MuseumShip Blog

What's happening in museum ship world?

Added Neptun

497th addition to the site, Swedish Näcken-class submarine 'Neptun'.
MuseumShip at the Marinmuseum, Karlskrona, Sweden.

  170 Hits

Added Lushun

China's Type 053H Frigate Lushun (former Siping) is the 495th addition to the site.
MuseumShip in Changgangxiang, Xingguo County.

  114 Hits

Added Utstein - S302

493rd addition to the website: Norwegian Kobben-class (Type-207) submarine Utstein - S302.
MuseumShip at Marinemuseet, Horten, Norway.

  133 Hits

Added U11/S190

492nd MuseumSip (boat) on the website, German Type 205-class submarine U11 / S190.
MuseumShip at the U11 U-Boot Museum Fehmarn, Fehmarn, Germany

  89 Hits

Added P22

Rhine river Patrol Boat USN P22 is now the 491st addition to our website.
Operational MuseumShip at The USN P22 Trust, Sandwich, Kent, UK

  106 Hits

Added M20

# 488 on the site: Swedish minesweeper M 20,
Operational MuseumShip Foreningen M20 in Stockholm, Sweden

  504 Hits

Added Amerigo Vespucci

487th addition to the site: 93 year old Italian Sail Training Ship "Amerigo Vespucci"

  226 Hits

Added Bonny

A first for Nigeria and 484th for MuseumShips: Nigerian NNS Bonny, former Ford-class HMS Gifford.
Preserved at the Nigerian National War Museum, Umuahia, Nigeria

  119 Hits

Added Barracuda

483rd addition to the site; Portugese Albacora-class submarine NRP Barracuda - (S164).
MuseumShip in Almada, Portugal.

  120 Hits

Added Vega

482nd addition to the site: Historic vessel Vega.
Currently finishing up at the PT. Proskuneo Kadarusman dock yard in Jakarta, before continuing her humanitarian mission.

  208 Hits